When October 02, 2023 at 2:00pm 1 hr
Where Zoom

Join in the conversation with the HCTF Advisory Committee Meeting on October 2, 2023 at 2pm. Please email Mai at [email protected] to register and to receive the agenda.

HCTF Advisory Committee Meeting

October 2, 2023


Members Present:

Members Excused:

Members Absent:


Agenda Item



Welcome and Updates

Kaulana Mossman


Meeting called to order at

Meeting Purpose: To make decisions on the AC’s oversight and acting role of the HCTF coalition. To promote statewide planning and strategies for strengthening families with the intention of preventing CAN


Review and Approve Minutes

Need to approve August minutes due to no quorum on September meeting.






2 Committees for Coalition


Policy/Prevention (Kukuna (co-chair), Kerrie). 

Updates on any bills the Coalition need to pay attention to?

Workforce Development (Keith co-chair, Marty)

-        Goals: 1) workforce stabilization. Hiring and retaining workers; 2) workforce engagement; 3) tools to measure compassion satisfaction vs fatigue


-        Biggest concern is not so much workforce, but how to get true cost concept across. How can we get increases in contracts? There are ideas on how to retain workers, but the more immediate need is contracts and reimbursement rates.


Recap of August 25 Coalition Meeting

-        Does the AC and membership have a grounding in the Framework?

-        Next Steps

Facilitator Notes:

Where does our work fit in?- it is not a plan; a way to conceptualize our work and roles up to CANP

Description of the pillars

-        All of these strategies/actions are grounded  in research

-        If all of these five pillars are sucessful, we as a community will be successful

-        Make the connections to describe our work within the pillars; philanthropic community gets socialized with the language of the framework

-        Indicators are seen as conditions, if this exists then we are on the way to this outcome.

o   To help determine if we are having a strong house.

o   Are all of the activities leading to the outcome

o   Self-reflection; are the activities that we are doing are they aligned à are they helping to build the outcomes

o   Definition of indicators – guidepost; thinking of the narrative of the so that

-        The framework is not an action plan, but that could be the next step; moving beyond

-        Put an ethnic spin and focus on to the work


By Law Ad Hoc Committee

Form an Ad Hoc Committee chaired by Kukuna and Marty. Discuss and possibly make amendments to the bylaws.



Other Business

Upcoming Meetings: 

AC Meetings: First Mondays at 2pm

October 2, 2pm

November 6, 3:30

December 4, 2pm

Coalition meetings: Next Virtual Meeting is November 6 at 2:00-3:30pm


Meeting Adjourned at

Next Meeting Virtual November 6, 2023 3:30pm